In her late 40s, Lily was diagnosed with multiple conditions, including thyroid and cardiovascular disease. Lily never looked after her health and often ate junk food, neglected her weight gain, did not exercise, and barely did regular medical check-ups. The result? If Lily had made an effort to partner with a healthcare provider and managed her lifestyle, she would have had better health today. Patient engagement solutions for hospitals focus on physicians and patients collaborating to improve the patient’s health conditions. It aims at enhancing the communication between patients and providers and supporting integrated care services.   

When patients feel engaged in their treatment, they are more likely to respond well and have better health outcomes. Patient engagement solutions for clinicians and hospitals does just that. A patient engagement platform for hospitals involves automated health analytics. It encourages individuals to make decisions about their treatment. Patient engagement strategies combine patient activation with interventions to encourage patients to be involved in their care process. This could mean following the health regime suggested by the doctor, obtaining preventive care, or exercising regularly. Patient engagement for hospitals includes patients collecting information or forming decisions about their symptoms, illnesses, and treatment options. A patient engagement framework is established on a partnership between patients, their families, representatives, and their healthcare team.  

Significance of patient engagement for hospitals  

Patients begin to think carefully and form informed decisions about their healthcare options, similar to planning retirement. They no longer like anyone else making decisions on their behalf. Patient engagement in healthcare encourages patients to learn more about their health from doctors and trusted sources and work with healthcare providers towards their wellness goals. This collaborative care approach of patient engagement enables healthcare networks to create trusted relationships with patients and motivate them to remain invested in their care. Patient and family engagement also educates them about the need to become actively engaged in their treatment and decisions. HIPAA-compliant patient engagement solutions help healthcare providers make better decisions regarding a patient’s health, enhance patient-provider communication, patient retention, and overall practice management.  

Three must-have features of patient engagement solutions

Three must-have features of patient engagement solutions

1. EMR/EHR integration  

Patient engagement for hospitals should integrate EHR/EMR systems for managing medical records. Patient engagement solutions must be able to receive data from the EMR, such as a referral. A patient engagement portal integrated with EMR/EHR can offer the flexibility required for effectively managing daily operations for successful practice management. This feature inpatient engagement functionality helps physicians understand patients and where they are in their care pathway. Enterprise EMR in patient engagement systems contains all health informatics and billing information.  

2. Third-party integration  

A single patient engagement platform may not give you the best results. It is essential to integrate it with other third-party vendors. For instance, patient engagement technology can provide billing features or integrate with medical billing software. Additionally, such patient engagement programs can be easily scalable and promote easy access to patients located anywhere. Integration of patient engagement software with third-party vendors supports the seamless exchange of data through interoperability.  

3. Chatbot  

Chatbots in patient engagement solutions for providers help to make your platform popular. This is because it promotes automated responses to common questions, such as age, gender, and location, through digital patient engagement for hospitals. Patient engagement software and solutions must enable keywords to trigger healthcare automation to handle the response, such as arranging an ambulance for patients. A chatbot feature is essential for promoting value-based patient engagement and increasing patient participation.  

Ways in which patient engagement strategy increases ROI  

Ways in which patient engagement strategy increases ROI

1. Patient-centricity  

Patient-centricity is known to bring about high patient outcomes, and this also applies to patient engagement strategies in healthcare. Patient engagement for hospitals employing a patient-centered app 

roach can elevate patient satisfaction. Patient-focused patient engagement technologies can make individuals feel their opinions are taken into consideration. By focusing on patients, physicians can address their needs better and discuss solutions that patients would appreciate. A patient-focused digital patient engagement platform can result in cost-efficient treatment plans and population health management. It drastically enhances patient experience and outcomes, increasing the ROI returns with a patient engagement system.  

2. Shared decision-making  

Patient engagement companies consider shared decision-making or SDM a critical ingredient that contributes to better ROI while implementing patient engagement solutions. SDM in patient engagement for hospitals believes patients’ values and preferences and evidence that helps make the right decision, together with patients and their families. A patient engagement health care system encourages patients to partake in shared decision-making actively. This motivates patients to work towards their health goals. In this way, a patient health engagement model can increase patient satisfaction, which means more patient flow and better revenue generation.  

3. Patient feedback  

Gathering patient feedback while implementing patient engagement for hospitals can improve the patient experience. Patient feedback helps physicians understand patient values, preferences, and expressed needs. In-hospital patient engagement, optimal patient feedback also enhance patient satisfaction and health outcomes. Patient family engagement can utilize patient feedback to identify gaps in care service delivery and make improvements where necessary. Feedback from patients in healthcare patient engagement solutions can motivate patients to stay involved in their health routine. Collection of patient feedback with remote patient engagement can better the financial performance of healthcare providers and increase patient loyalty. Additionally, input in the patient health engagement model can improve staff satisfaction.  

4. Improved patient-provider communication  

A patient engagement company offers scope for better patient-provider communication through chatbots and patient portals. Patients can reach out to doctors from anywhere, check availability, schedule appointments, and discuss issues online. Virtual health tools like telehealth and mHealth can enable patients to access quality care remotely. Enhanced patient-provider communication using patient engagement solutions for hospitals can make patients more interested in their treatment. Furthermore, it can increase patient satisfaction and health outcomes which helps generate more revenue.  

Online bill payment and reminders  

Not every patient is good with managing bill payments, and paperwork makes things more tricky. Online bill payment and payment reminders in patient engagement for hospitals can ensure that patients pay on time. This will help healthcare providers to avoid missed or delayed payments. An automated system managing bills and payments through patient engagement for hospitals can reduce the load on administrative staff. It can improve the billing statement accuracy and reduce confusion among patients regarding bills and statements. Patient engagement for hospitals offers cloud-based online payment that is faster and helps to manage outstanding balances quickly. Patients can be reminded of co-pay requirements or past-due balances. In this way, patient engagement software can take care of your billing and payments effortlessly.  


Patient engagement for clinicians and hospitals is essential for integrating patient-centricity and making patients feel involved in their care process. Patient engagement offers several benefits, and it can step up your revenue big time. OSP understands the importance of patient engagement software. We can help you create a patient engagement platform that can work best for you, drive more patients to your clinic, and help you communicate better with your patients. Our custom healthcare software solutions will give you a cutting edge through accessible communication from any device.  

OSP is a trusted healthcare software development company that delivers bespoke solutions as per your business needs. Connect with us to hire the best talents in the industry to build enterprise-grade software.


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