
In healthcare management, EMR and EHR integration can transform the practice. EMR integration offers a myriad of benefits to providers, including seamless interoperability. All the stakeholders in a care setting benefit, too. However, integrating EMR is challenging due to the lack of accessibility of information systems and patient health data. To eliminate these challenges, ONC for HIT formulated some policies to ensure easy access to information and data transparency to improve overall care.

FHIR, or Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, is one such ONC policy that, when integrated with EMR, boosts easy data access and sharing across platforms through API. EMR FHIR integration allows external entities to access information from providers’ EMRs. Besides, these entities can design their applications to access the EMR server for data. Health care CIOs and leaders promote EMR FHIR integration to improve organizational interoperability. 

Further, many leaders have pointed out that FHIR is a standard to improve modern healthcare interoperability, ensure flexibility and better functionality than just EMR/EHR. Although it’s pretty new yet FHIR will rise in the future. This way, FHIR enhances practice management as well.   

So, if you’re thinking of FHIR EMR integration, you need to understand the potential challenges and identify your practice’s needs. EMR software systems integrated with FHIR are possible through a simplified process. Here are more details about it.

Challenges in FHIR-EMR Implementation

Challenges in FHIR-EMR Implementation

Healthcare providers face multiple challenges in FHIR EMR Integration, which impact EMR interoperability or electronic data interchange. However, the five major obstacles impacting Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources integration are here.

1. Time Consuming Process

Healthcare interoperability is critically important today to improve patient care through the appropriate data. FHIR solutions integrated with EMR take care of data access, sharing, and analysis. But the real challenge is its lengthy process. EMR FHIR integration and implementation is a time-consuming process. Many providers are skeptical that such a time-consuming process will impact other healthcare solutions, including increasing their costs.

2. High Cost of Adoption

Similar to the time-consuming aspect, EMR FHIR integration also has a high cost of adoption. Small-scale healthcare providers are mostly affected by this obstacle. Moreover, the high cost of adoption also affects the complete health system. So, leaders suggest that practitioners willing to implement FHIR can go for EMR software companies or vendors to customize this as per the budget and requirements.

3. Lack of Technical Resources

Another significant roadblock in EMR FHIR integration is the absence of adequate technical support. EMR integration with HL7 FHIR requires technical expertise, and care practices need HIT support. Apart from implementing, handling the software also requires specialized knowledge. So, the best providers can invest in vendors and train their staff on FHIR solutions.

4. Patient Matching   

Patient matching or identity matching is one of the major aspects of FHIR EMR integration in healthcare. It simply links patient data across various healthcare systems to create holistic medical EMR systems. But errors in this process can impact healthcare organizations, as it can lead to HIPAA violations and cost millions of dollars. And linking the patient data manually will increase the chances of errors. So, it’s essential to automate the process that can identify similarities in data elements to ensure accuracy in the FHIR- EMR systems.   

5. Security Issues 

In fast healthcare interoperability resources, security is a big concern. Developers and providers need to ensure HIPAA compliance, and for that, they need to take effective measures. In FHIR implementation, providers must set up an authentication and accessibility control to ensure high security. Along with that, providers must also include input validation procedures, write data management policies and digital signatures. These can ensure the security of EMR FHIR integration. Ensuring these aspects can be complicated, but it’s important for FHIR in healthcare. Outsourcing security support can be a great option in this case.

Benefits of EMR FHIR Integration in Healthcare

Benefits of EMR FHIR Integration in Healthcare

Integrated healthcare solutions offer multiple benefits to improve the clinical and non-clinical processes undertaken by the provider. Similarly, EMR and FHIR integrated solutions benefit providers in numerous ways. Here are some notable benefits acknowledged by healthcare providers.  

1. Data Structuring Automation

Healthcare automation is gaining momentum these days. And with FHIR EMR integration, providers can easily automate data structuring, otherwise, it is a time-consuming process. FHIR solutions assure clinical support to providers in managing and structuring their health data. Moreover, automated data structuring promotes value-based care services that improve patient engagement systems and experiences.

2. Enhanced Interoperability and Data Management

Data management in todays’ care context is a critical task. Providers resort to medical informatics and healthcare analytics solutions for effective medical records management. Even FHIR healthcare integrated into EMR is much better, as it enhances healthcare interoperability solutions and manages data. And effective data management means accuracy,  easy accessibility, and smooth sharing of patient health information. Whatever is the data resource, FHIR has a unique identifier for each. This simplifies the data accessibility process and allows control from every type of device.

3. Special Attention to Patient Experience

FHIR solutions aim to improve care delivery through effective data management. EHR and EMR systems integrated with FHIR allow providers to extract, share and analyze crucial patient data in the care continuum for better diagnosis. Moreover, FHIR also offers patients control over their data to make informed decisions. Empowering patients and providers with data and interoperability eventually enhances the patient experience.

4. Improved Clinical Results  

In clinical research, data is crucial. From population health management to predictive analysis, health data is what clinical researchers need the most. Moreover, clinical researchers can improve their care delivery and patient experience with accurate data. And FHIR EMR integration aids clinicians in accessing and sharing essential patient data securely, thus improving clinical results.

5. Enhanced Data Mining 

Data mining is relevant today, considering how important data is for healthcare decision-making. Indeed, mining data from various credible sources to form effective and impactful insights can be truly helpful for decision-makers. And as many healthcare organizations use AI and Machine Learning models to gain insights from datasets, it’s important to have a standard. That’s only possible through FHIR integrations. FHIR can enable providers to create large data sets from various sources, which can also be used for delivering quality care and clinical research.

6. Improved Data Integrations

Whether it’s the integration of new capabilities into your legacy systems or transitioning from a centralized to a decentralized system, FHIR can simplify these integrations effectively. The FHIR APIs provide a standard point to map all integrations. Even if the integrations are from a non-FHIR system, these APIs ensure standardization to ensure interoperability. Besides, FHIR healthcare can make integrations more streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective. 

How to Simplify EMR to FHIR Integration Process

How to Simplify EMR to FHIR Integration Process

Now that you know, FHIR EMR integration directly empowers providers to achieve interoperability in the systems. However, as we mentioned earlier, the FHIR implementation is time-consuming and even adds financial pressure to the adoption process. However, you can simplify EMR FHIR integration by these methods-    

1. Configuring EMR Interface

Medical EMR integration with FHIR isn’t possible without configuring the EMR interface. Providers need to know about the different source and target systems for accurate data exchange. Clinical data that comes into the system has a source- patients’ wearables or apps, other health facilities or clinical surveys, feedback, and so on. Providers need to know this source which gets reflected on the EHR EMR interface. The interface will also highlight the target, where the data is transported to.

2. Define Data Route 

EMR systems in healthcare are complicated due to their massive amount of data. And the patient EMR systems integration with FHIR requires defining the data route to understand the sources and targets. This is the next step of EHR/EMR integration with FHIR. Naming the source system is essential before the data proceeds to the routing stage. Healthcare organizations, indeed, receive a lot of patient data throughout. However, before this data is sent out to the target, it undergoes some basic operations like decryption, compression, or character conversion. This makes all data in the same format and ready for the routing stage.

3. Route Data to Target System

In EMR software integration with FHIR, routing data to target systems is crucial. It’s essential to decide which target system will proceed with the data extracted from the source system. Well, healthcare developers consider this as a two-fold process. While the first step is to determine the specific target system, the second is to focus on what to do if there are errors. Providers can easily identify errors by deploying transaction monitors in the set interface.   

4. Map data and Change to XML format 

Integrating EMR systems with FHIR is incomplete without mapping source and target data and transforming it into a common XML format. FHIR organizations mostly use the Data Mapper tool to map the data as per HL7 standards. It helps map from the database to HL7, FHIR, and the final file. And further, all patient information data is converted into a standardized XML format. This configuration of the XML transformation module makes the data ready to be transported.  

5. Data Transport   

Another essential aspect of healthcare EMR integration with FHIR is data transportation. It simply means how the data is going to be sent. However, before that, a series of processes take place. It includes encryption, compressing the data, or if required, manipulations. After these, the data transportation to the target system can happen. Well, this transportation of patient information includes two steps- first, the target system must do an HTTP post to a specific URL, and the second is to send out an HL7 message over the MLLP. Only after this, the target system can be named. And that completes the data transportation process.

6. Test Interface 

Testing the EMR FHIR integration interface is crucial before deploying it. Once the interface configuration and data routing are done, one can switch to testing mode. There isn’t any specific point to start the testing; however, it’s better to begin at the source transform stage. Also, you need to choose a sample data file to execute the testing. Testing the interface is beneficial for providers, as any errors can be identified and fixed before the deployment. Besides, the green checkmark indicates that testing of the stage is complete, and a red X indicates failures.

7. Deploy Interface 

With test runs done, you can deploy the interface to ensure the successful completion of EMR FHIR integration. After the testing phase, providers can return to the file management dialog and decide what to do with the interface. Another note is that all configurations will be stored in plain XML format and folders. On deploying the interface, providers can benefit from FHIR, which will ensure healthcare interoperability. Besides, with FHIR-integrated EMR platforms, healthcare providers can effectively share and analyze patient information and other clinical data to improve health outcomes. 

Integrating FHIR with Legacy Health Systems

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) allows seamless integration with legacy medical systems. The current version is easier to learn and implement, allowing enhanced interoperability. It offers flexible and adaptable solutions for health providers, and it is looking forward to including modern data exchange standards.

The FHIR standard allows for different architectural approaches to collect information from a modern or legacy system. FHIR integrations enable interoperability between different systems by converting data between FHIR and the legacy system’s format, standardizing data extraction and sharing using FHIR healthcare. Further, health providers can leverage the benefits of this integration to streamline data management and improve patient care.

Some most important features of FHIR are:

  • It is a global data standardization model.
  • It works around predefined resources.
  • It provides extensions that help in extending predefined resources and data types.
  • It is based on the commonly used HTTPS protocol.
  • It allows most analytics tools and platforms to read and generate reports easily and consistently.

What External Systems Can Get Benefits from EMR to FHIR Integration Process?

What External Systems Can Get Benefits from EMR to FHIR Integration Process

FHIR EMR integration enables FHIR interoperability, allowing bi-directional data exchange capabilities between EMR systems and external systems. There are several external systems that can benefit from EMR and FHIR-integrated solutions. Some of them are:

1. Patient Portals

FHIR plays a vital role in empowering patients by allowing secure, real-time data access and sharing. EMR to FHIR integration solutions enable patients to have a complete view of their health information, allowing them to make informed decisions about their health and fostering improved patient engagement. It also allows patients to request prescription refills, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers online.

2. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

Clinical Decision Support Systems use patient data to provide evidence-based recommendations to healthcare providers. Integrating FHIR in healthcare facilitates secure patient data transmission and enables real-time access to critical health information, including clinical documents. FHIR further allows real-time data integration, and standard exchange of healthcare data and improves alignment with clinical decision-making processes.

3. Pharmacy Management Systems

Pharmacy Management systems can benefit from EMR FHIR integration by accessing patient medication records. EHRs and EMRs contain details mentioned on prescriptions, which pharmacies can easily access. Further, pharmacy systems can benefit from FHIR integration by automating data structuring that helps improve medication management, minimize errors, and boost patient safety. FHIR-enabled pharmacy systems provide better data exchange with other healthcare systems that ensure accessibility, accuracy, and updated medication information.

4. Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)

Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) can benefit from EMR FHIR integration in healthcare by improving interoperability and data management. FHIR enables LIS to share lab results and orders with other healthcare systems, improving care coordination and reducing the need for manual data entry. Direct integration facilitates real-time access to lab results, allowing providers to make timely clinical decisions. It further ensures accuracy in recording lab results in the patient’s EMRs, reduces administrative burden, and improves workflow efficiency.

5. Radiology Information Systems (RIS)

Integration with HL7 FHIR integration enables patient-centered workflows and improves data management. It allows radiologists to have access to relevant, patient-specific information, like imaging orders and results, in the EMR that can help improve the value of patient care. EMR FHIR integration allows RIS to share imaging results with other healthcare systems to improve care ordination. Such integration reduces duplication of effort by eliminating the need for manual entry of radiology results into the EMR system. It further reduces the risk of manual errors and saves time for both radiologists and clinicians.

Best Practices of FHIR Implementation

Best Practices of FHIR Implementation

The following are the best practices of FHIR Implementation:

1. Engage Stakeholders

FHIR implementation affects various stakeholders within an organization. Hence, it is important to involve key stakeholders, including clinicians, IT staff, administrators, patients, and vendors, early in the implementation process. Engaging these stakeholders fosters a collaborative approach, as you can incorporate their input by understanding their needs, allocating resources, and creating a realistic timeline.

2. Adhere to FHIR Implementation Standards and Guides

It is crucial to use FHIR implementation standards and guides to ensure alignment with FHIR specifications and adherence for seamless interaction with other FHIR systems. These guides include established practices and proven techniques created by industry authorities. It minimizes disruptions in data sharing, guarantees uniformity, and increases the success quotient of health information exchange (HIE).

3. Testing and Validating the Implementation

Here, you need to check whether the system is using FHIR resources correctly or not, communicating with other systems as intended, managing patient data, and complying with security standards and best practices. Regular testing and validation help address and rectify any non-compliance or error immediately to ensure a robust, reliable, and interoperable FHIR implementation.

4. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

It is one of the important parts of best practices of FHIR implementation, as it is not a one-time activity. Successful implementation requires ongoing support and maintenance to ensure continuity in meeting the organization’s needs, remaining secure, and keeping up with updated FHIR standards and regulatory environment. It includes providing regular training for end users, reviews, and updates.

What is the future of HL7 FHIR in Health Information Exchange?

The future of HL7 FHIR in Health Information Exchange (HIE) holds exciting possibilities as it is designed to be future-proof. With the evolving healthcare technology, FHIR can extend and adapt to support new data types and use cases. It can include leveraging patient-generated health data, integration of mobile applications, and more.

Over time, the potential for innovation in the healthcare industry is limitless. HL7 FHIR aims to create a future that can help patients seamlessly access and manage their health data on mobile apps and allow health providers to collaborate and share information easily. It aims for continuous development and remaining a relevant and effective standard for fostering healthcare interoperability.


EMR FHIR integration is gaining popularity today as it helps providers achieve the most challenging solution interoperability. There is no doubt that healthcare interoperability challenges many gaps in care delivery and assures better outcomes. FHIR solutions integrated with EMR interoperability and eventually with the health system bring many benefits. Accurate and safe data extraction and sharing across multiple care settings is standardized using FHIR healthcare. So, start planning your EMR FHIR integration and explore your requirements. Healthcare interoperability companies offering this service can also help providers improvise their EMR/EHR systems. Moreover, providers can also keep cloud computing solutions handy in case of additional data storage. Besides, there’s no debate that HL7v2 is an outdated standard. And to achieve seamless interoperability, FHIR is a must. Its open source and human readability capabilities can transform the data-sharing aspects. It will eventually enhance health outcomes and patient experience.

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