
EMR and EHR systems need no introduction, especially in today’s healthcare setting. However, healthcare providers often need clarification when implementing the different types of electronic medical records software or integrating them with other healthcare solutions. If you’ve determined that you require an EHR or EMR system, you must decide which one. But how will you choose the best electronic medical records for your practice? Before you choose the right one, you need to know about the different types of EMR. This article will give you a thorough insight into types of electronic medical records systems and what you should look for while selecting one.  

Key Functions of EMR Systems

Key Functions of EMR Systems copy

Electronic medical records increase physicians’ and clinicians’ ability to record and use patient information efficiently. Hospitals and independent clinics have better control over health data by converting paper records to digital software. Here are some of the key functions of EMR software solutions. 

1. Charting 


Since the emergence of EMR and EHR software solutions, medical history and diagnosis data are automatically recorded in a secure digital environment, clinicians no longer need to worry about losing this crucial data, as everything is stored, encrypted, and secured. There aren’t any medical charts floating around from previous visits. Furthermore, digital records are more accurate and easier to read. Unlike sloppy handwriting is a thing of the past.  

2. Order Entry 

Order Entry

EMRs make it easier for clinicians to store and submit lab test orders, among other tasks. EMR solutions make these orders less likely to become lost in the heap of papers. Furthermore, there is no chance of errors, as they’re filtered out of the system, and accuracy in order entry and records are thoroughly maintained. And without errors, hospitals and patients save time and money in redundant testing in the long run.

3. Patient Portals 

Patient Portals

EMR platforms provide patients with direct access to their medical information. Most electronic medical record software includes an online gateway to securely access patients’ previous visits, medication history, and lab results from a specific hospital or clinic. This is like EHR systems, be it the Epic systems or AllScripts EHR integration software. 

4. E-Prescribing


Prescriptions are often delivered to pharmacies faster than usual owing to the e-prescribing function of most EMRs. This function can also notify clinicians about dosage levels, allergies, and potential drug interactions. So, pharmacy management software integrated with EMR solutions can receive and prescribe medications much faster and more streamlined. 

5. Supporting Decision-makers

Supporting Decision-makers

In addition to the useful patient portal, most EMR software solutions provide functionalities that assist patients in managing various areas of their healthcare. Such functionalities allow patients to receive notifications and reminders about upcoming treatments and recommendations for specific operations.  

What Should You Look for in an EMR system?

  • Think about what is most important in your practice and opt for an EMR that simplifies your workflow and makes your job easier.
  • Make sure that your EMR system service types have core features such as e-prescribing, patient scheduling, billing, etc.
  • If you are working as a specialist, go for the healthcare EMR system types that are geared toward your specialty. 
  • Communicate with other healthcare professionals to get real-world reviews of how EMR systems are performing day-to-day.

Types of EMR Systems

Adopting EMRs isn’t as complex as you think. Hospitals and care providers can easily implement or integrate electronic medical records into their healthcare software development, like telehealth solutions or remote patient monitoring platforms. There are different types of healthcare EMR systems that clinicians can try. Finally, the right type of EMR system is determined by healthcare providers’ specific needs and abilities.

1. Mac EMR Software   

Mac EMR Software

It is quite clear from the name itself that Mac EMR software is the type of EMR compatible with all Apple devices. Mac-native options are custom-built and designed for the Mac operating system. Iterations of Mac systems differ a lot from that of Windows. So, having EMR software solely for Mac-based products makes sense. Besides, IT developers have also opined that EHR integration, or Epic integration, is different for Mac systems. Furthermore, cloud or web-based software choices work flawlessly on any Apple device with sound Internet connectivity.  

2. Cloud-Based EMR Solution 

Cloud-Based EMR Solution

Healthcare providers today are big fans of healthcare cloud solutions, including EMR and EHR systems. Providers can view data online using cloud-based EMR software. A fundamental aspect of cloud-based EMR software is remote access to information. Patients and providers can access clinical information stored on the EMR and EHR systems from anywhere, anytime. Patient’s medical information is safely stored on the cloud. Besides, cloud-based EMR software is a more economical medical record management solution because servers do not host data. These systems are also referred to as Web-based or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).  

3. ONC Certified EMR Software 

ONC Certified EMR Software

ONC-certified EMR software is a solution that meets the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) criteria. These regulations are concerned with properly managing and storing sensitive patient data. ONC-approved EMRs are software evaluated and certified by entities authorized by the ONC. Testing verifies that software meets the ONC’s standards for meaningful use of health information. These criteria include access to a patient portal, a location to devise patient care plans, quality reporting tools, etc.  

4. Mental Health/ Behavioral Health EMR Solution  

Mental Health - Behavioral Health EMR Solution

With mental health and behavioral care gaining momentum, health tech developers have also designed specific EHR and EMR platforms. EMRs for behavioral and mental health practitioners come with a variety of capabilities. These characteristics are tailored according to the requirements of mental health clinics, therapists, and behavioral clinics. For a therapist or psychiatrist, accessing old notes might be time-consuming, and some might misplace them as well. With EMR integrated with mental health practice management software, accessing notes or managing documentation is no longer stressful. The advanced note management features in behavioral/mental health EMR software can ensure all these tasks and even care for billing and scheduling.   

5. Medical Billing EMR Software

Medical Billing EMR Software

Medical billing software can make processing patient statements and insurance claims much easier and faster. When integrated with EMRs, these software solutions create a comprehensive and robust administrative department. Besides, medical billing solutions allow medical providers to automate billing operations such as verification, processing claims and payments, and following up on denied or delayed insurance claims. As a result, frustrating and time-consuming administrative tasks are transformed into efficient automated operations. Automating information with EMRs frees up clinical staff’s time and enables them to focus on more patient care.

6. Ambulatory EHR

Ambulatory EMR

Ambulatory EMR systems are developed for primary care physicians to efficiently track and manage patient details in real-time. They are part of larger types of different EMR systems in healthcare, which also include inpatient EMR systems and personal health record (PHR) systems. These EMR systems can seamlessly enhance patient care by giving healthcare professionals instant access to confidential patient data such as medical history, allergies, test results, and other sensitive information. 

7. Acute Care EMR

Acute Care EMR

Acute care EMRs are the types of EMR systems used in hospitals to manage patient information during short-term stays. They enable healthcare professionals to access and update patient records and test results in real time, resulting in timely decision-making and better healthcare outcomes. Acute care EMR systems can also be integrated with laboratory and imaging systems, providing an extensive view of patient care and ensuring successful treatment plans for the patients. 

8. Multi-Specialty EMRs

Multi-Specialty EMRs

Multi-specialty EMRs are built to meet the requirements of many medical specialties on a single platform. These systems are developed with precision and are integrated with templates, processes, and modules to meet the customized demands of several medical specializations. This makes them a flexible option for healthcare organizations. For practitioners who are looking to optimize their practice management and patient data collection across different specialist areas, they are a perfect all-in-one solution. 

9. Application Service Provider (ASP)

An application service provider (ASP) is a platform where a third-party organization hosts and provides software applications to clients using the internet. This helps businesses in accessing and using software applications without investing in expensive IT infrastructure or program development. Although ASP comes with many advantages, one big drawback of using this system is its dependence on internet access. This becomes a cause of service interruptions and data security problems that are associated with the exchange of sensitive data with a third-party provider. 

Top EMR Trends That Will Dominate the Future

  • Robotic Process Automation will enhance workflow by automating data capture and making the settings of clinical EMR systems more accurate. 
  • Telehealth EHR integration services will remain prevalent in healthcare, with EMR EHR systems playing a big role in upgrading the telehealth experience.
  • AI-powered voice recognition, the Internet of Things(IoT), and Artificial intelligence will be incorporated into modern-day EMR systems.
  • Cloud computing will continue to expand as the focus increases on enhancing security measures in the healthcare sector.


Electronic medical records and electronic health records are a constantly evolving technology. EMRs are the most preferable tool for many physicians and healthcare organizations to improve the quality of their medical services. EMRs make it simple and efficient for clinicians and patients to access patient records. The EMR system may not be a one-size-fits-all solution. There are various types of EMR systems, and it is up to individual providers to determine which functionalities are most appropriate for their practice and business goals. An EMR can significantly improve medical information storage and access, especially when the right software is used. If you need assistance in selecting the best EMR system for your practice, get in touch with our experts at OSP for tailored solutions and guidance.


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