
Today healthcare software product development offers the best solutions to the most critical problems. Take, for instance, to ensure better accessibility; providers are utilization advanced telehealth solutions or remote health monitoring systems. In health insurance, there is a different area that requires automation. From claim management to streamlining workflows, health insurance software caters to all.   

Health insurance software includes different tools to ensure daily operations. Automation of these processes benefits all the stakeholders. Moreover, it saves them the time and money of the insurance companies. Insurance companies have to deal with multiple claims, underwriting, policies, and more. And undertaking these tasks manually results in massive costs, time, and errors. So, adopting health insurance software is a wise choice. Besides, clients of insurance companies also benefit from this software, as it allows them to understand and manage their policies, make healthcare payments, and more. Above all, health insurance software ensures better productivity and efficiency in workflows.   

So, if you want to implement health insurance software for your company, then opting for custom healthcare software solutions is ideal for you. You need to plan, budget, and find a suitable vendor. Vendor-based health insurance software platforms allow you to manage your requirements well. Besides, the market study will help you understand the current trends, types, and common mistakes/pre-assumptions to enhance the processes. Before we tell you the common mistake you should avoid when developing health insurance automation software, here are some types of software used presently by insurance companies.   

Types of Health Insurance Software Commonly Used  

Types of Health Insurance Software Commonly Used

Every need is different, and so does its solutions. Insurance companies in any healthcare management system need to address the different aspects of health insurance solutions. So, here are some of the most commonly used health insurance software solutions.    

Claims Management- One of the most important health insurance solutions is medical claim management. Health insurance claims management software helps insurers generate claims papers, manage claims analytics, identify fraud claims, manage payments and ensure policy administration. This software is the apt solution for healthcare claim data analytics.   

Document Management- Insurance companies generate loads of documents. And effective software to store, organize and access these documents is much needed. So, insurers are actively deploying documentation management software to ensure the security of all important documents. Moreover, some insurers even integrated this with CRM or ERP software.   

Workflow Automation- Today, healthcare automation solutions simplify even the toughest workflows. In insurance companies, workflow automation is also much needed. Insurers deploy workflow automation software to monitor, control, and coordinate the different administrative processes. It makes work of staff easier, saves time and money too. Besides, insurers need to be careful of electronic data interchange in automating the workflows.   

CRM software- CRM or customer relationship management software is one of the most helpful solutions for insurance companies. It helps them connect with teams, call centers, agents, and sales into one portal. At the same time, the insurance lead management system is slightly different from CRM, as it only manages leads. However, CRM includes every process relating to customer services- from field operations to verifying new policies.   

ERP Software- ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning software is a specific software specially designed to facilitate insurance processes. This software helps track client credentials, agreement data, and transactional amounts. Moreover, some companies integrate ERP and CRM software to streamline operations and customer relationships.   

Policy Management Software- Compliance with insurance policies is really important. Healthcare insurance management helps insurers create and manage their policies with policy management software. Moreover, this policy management software even includes reinsurance offers to easily reduce risks and facilitate processes.   

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Developing Health Insurance Software   

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Developing Health Insurance Software

Now that you know about the different types of health insurance systems, you can choose one per your requirements. However, you must also know about these 7 mistakes to avoid developing health insurance software solutions.   

1. Impact of Technology is underwhelming-

Insurance companies presume that technology impact is insignificant. It’s due to aiming not high enough to utilize the tech solutions. Besides, many insurers tend to integrate multiple systems into the one tech infrastructure of the company. This increases the operating expenses too. So, insurers deploying health insurance analytics solutions must comply with a massive transformative program. Such a technological program will help in improving productivity and ROI too. Deploying such insurance software indirectly improves patient engagement systems in hospitals.    

2. Health Insurance Software is just replacing the core platform-

Another major mistake that many insurance companies believe is health insurance software is just replacing the existing system. However, this case isn’t true, as it would cost the company a high cost of modernizing their system. Moreover, changing the complete system also increases risks. So, it’s better to go for in-place modernization instead of core platform replacement. It reduces the risks and retains the policies of the existing system. And the existing policies are upgraded by a new integrated system. Besides, opting for healthcare cloud computing solutions for developing such an insurance system is the best choice, as it ensures better policy data management.   

3. All Vendors provide Cloud-Based Platforms-

It’s a mistake that all vendors provide access to the latest cloud technology. When implementing health insurance claim management software, you need to choose your vendor carefully. Some vendors might still use outdated solutions. Besides, insurers need to decide whether the company requires the latest cloud-based solutions or not. Analyzing and understanding your company’s needs would help you choose the right vendor and cloud-based solutions for the health insurance software.   

4. One Tech Solution Can Fit all Systems-

It’s the biggest mistake to believe that one tech solution will fit all systems. Just like healthcare organizations follow different practice management systems, it’s obvious that one insurance solution won’t fit all needs. Moreover, insurers facing spaghetti integration challenges must consider different approaches like ESB to manage complexities in work processes. So, you need to ensure that your IT team has a history of spaghetti integration problems and devise solutions accordingly.   

5. Always Use Industry Standard Data-

Insurers can’t depend on industry-standard data schema. Policy changes over the years define that legacy platform data aren’t mapped to industry-standard data. So, it’s a common mistake that many insurers commit. However, the data model should follow the FSLD model or ACORD guidelines. And these guidelines need to consider insurers’ products and customer-related services. Besides, insurers must align their target product to industry-standard data schema or use target system data schema, as it’s a straightforward approach.  

6. Modern tools ensure better data conversion-

Don’t get mistaken for better data conversion. Insurance data is complicated and has multiple challenges. However, insurers can use data profiling to understand the amount of data history that must be migrated to the new platform. Although modern tools help identify customer segments for data, some tasks require manual conversion. Moreover, insurers must use data analytics or medical informatics to create Data Lake, analyze the quality and then migrate it to new healthcare insurance software.   

7. Get Rid of mainframes to enhance productivity-

It is a big mistake to assume that mainframes decrease productivity. However, the truth is mainframes offer reliability and performance for high-volume transaction processing. Insurance companies are less likely to remove mainframes, as it improves the new infrastructure’s productivity. Like other integrated healthcare solutions, insurance companies must also integrate mainframes with new modernized health insurance platforms to increase their efficiency and ROI.   


Health insurance software solutions are todays’ need of the hour for insurance companies. Complex data, policy changes, customer relations, and many more impact the processes in health insurance management. However, it’s best to plan and understand the requirements before investing in software. Moreover, health insurance software is required to maintain the competitive edge and increase operations’ efficacy. These health insurance claim management systems also empower your team and better cater to customer demands. So, explore your needs and invest incompatible health insurance software solutions to benefit your company.   

OSP is a trusted healthcare software development company that delivers bespoke solutions as per your business needs. Connect with us to hire the best talents in the industry to build enterprise-grade software.


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